Cleaner, More Efficient Gas Emissions and Increased MPG`s In Half A Day

Released on: September 17, 2008, 9:15 am

Press Release Author: umesh

Industry: Automotive

Press Release Summary: September 2008- MJS & Associates, in conjunction with their
parent company of Dutchman Enterprises, is pleased to announce that they are moving
forward with the testing of their Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kits in their attempt to
improve American fuel economy for automobiles and trucks.

Press Release Body: Cleaner, More Efficient Gas Emissions and Increased MPGs In
Half A Day


September 2008- MJS & Associates, in conjunction with their parent company of
Dutchman Enterprises, is pleased to announce that they are moving forward with the
testing of their Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kits in their attempt to improve American
fuel economy for automobiles and trucks.

The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell (HAFC) kit is an engine modification kit designed to fit
on most gasoline driven cars and trucks, minus diesel engines. The HAFC boasts a
proven increase of 50% of MPG while also facilitating the engine to run cleaner,
longer, more efficiently and with reduced emissions. Additionally, the HAFC can be
installed in less than half a day by any qualified mechanic.

The decision to move forward with the testing of the HAFC came as a result of
Dutchman Enterprises initial meeting with Ford Motor Company. Ford Motors team
reacted with enthusiasm and excitement over the potential of the HAFC. Discussions
about both companies partnering together for the further development of the HAFC and
other technologies is in the works.

Aside from being an authorized dealer for the Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit, MJS &
Associates is involved in direct marketing, sales and consulting on energy efficient
products and services in both the consumer and commercial market.

To watch a free thirty minute video about the HAFC, receive a custom quote about
HAFC installation or to learn more information about the HAFC please visit

Press Inquiries Contact:

Marc J. Spagnuolo
MJS & Associates

Web Site:

Contact Details: Press Inquiries Contact:

Marc J. Spagnuolo
MJS & Associates

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